Corporate Collaborations

Since the beginning of the pandemic, we have been able to test our PCR testing system for pharmacies and ensure efficient implementation.

We would like to unburden you as best as possible and give you the possibility to concentrate on the daily business. In cooperation with the Chamber of Pharmacists of Tyrol and the State of Tyrol, we have been available to all Tyrolean pharmacies as a reliable and efficient partner for Covid-19 testing since April 2022.

We offer you our experience and expertise for the smooth running of the tests in your pharmacy. We support you with test materials as well as with access to our proprietary software. Should you require any further support, we will always be at your side.

Our user-friendly system enables the uncomplicated registration of new customers and the immediate creation of tests for existing customers. The system is also constantly updated and optimized based on your feedback. In addition, our customer service takes care of both the training and the permanent support of your pharmacy.

We take care that you have the optimal conditions,
to be able to perform Covid-19 tests.

Corporate Collaborations

Established processes

From test to result, everything from a single source.

From the provision of the collection kits, the sample linkage with the data of the test person to the analysis and the transmission of the results, everything takes place in-house.

myNovatium APP and IT-System

For the large volume of medical samples, we rely on our in-house software, which is always updated and continuously adapted.

This enables us to work in a scalable and very efficient way – sources of error are eliminated.

With our Novatium IT system including app, our business partners and test subjects can create and edit accounts at any time.

Boost the potential of your lab too!
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